ONLINE COURSE: Head Meets Heart
Sign up for the innovative and empowering Head Meets Heart (the online version of: How to Avoid Falling In Love with a Jerk(tete)) online course. This course has been taught to hundreds of thousands of singles and will equip you with the tools necessary to really get to know what a partner will be like in a committed relationship and to pace a relationship in a safe way so that you can avoid the love is blind syndrome.
Dr. John Van Epp + the How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk(ette) course has has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Psychology Today, O Magazine, and Cosmopolitan; and he has appeared on the CBS Early Show, the O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, and Focus on the Family...just sayin'.
What you will receive...
- lifetime of access to the Head Meets Heart course online
- 10 Online modules with interactive exercises to help you dig deep into self-exploration and partner-exploration
- A downloadable workbook to use when taking the course
Some of what you will learn...
- Warning signs of difficult partners
- The innovative and research based Relationship Attachment Model (RAM)
- How to develop a relationship in a way that helps you to avoid the love is blind syndrome
- The five evidence-based areas to get to know about someone you're dating that will help you predict what they will be like in a long-term relationship
- How to tell if a partner is really going to make lasting changes
- How to safely build trust in a new relationship
- How to get to know one of the most overlooked yet important areas that will predict how a partner will treat you in a long-term relationship
Sneak peak below!